Thursday, May 29, 2008

Don't you agree?

I believe every teacher should have a personal assistant.

You know, like... Pay some dude to mark all your exam papers, fill in the scores, do the daily attendance, send out warning letters, collect school fees, manage student data, process outgoing students, etc.

If some cool dudette can do those things for you, even better!

Because hor... you see ah... behind every successful man... there is...

A chun secretary!

Why do you think Tony Stark can build a robot suit like this?

It's because he got this mah...



If someone else can take care of all those other stuff for you, then you can have more time and energy and um... motivation... to do the stuff that got kick wan la!

Like, you can concentrate on preparing your lessons...
Or fine-tuning them...
Or come up with creative and effective ideas to get the content across...
Or figure out how to improve on pedagogy...
Or work together with other colleagues to come up with better ways...

And you won't end up cooking your lessons straight out from the book.

When you can get original with your lessons...
Execute the idea...
Evaluate its effectiveness...
And wait for impact...

That wan, barulah got kick!

Having to go through piles of papers to mark...

No kick.

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