Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Peperiksaan sudah tamat.. Sila letak pensel...

If you had an extraordinary ability, what would you do with it?

If you had only a little time left, what would you do?

Don't you think that time is running out?

Haven't you heard that the Jews are secretly rebuilding the temple, on which the revelation of end-time events hinge on?

Didn't it occur to you that life is actually one big exam, and what you do with your limited knowledge, with your limited time, on your limited pieces of paper will determine what's going to happen to you for eternity?

Even though I was once a top-notch swimmer, an award-winning lifesaving instructor, a record-setting lifeguard, a national representative to international lifesaving events... I still wonder if I'll ever become like the old man with the fruit baskets.

Didn't it occur to you that even if you were the best at something, keeping it for yourself will amount to nothing?

Therefore, I purposed in my heart to not live like I'm staying. But to live like I'm leaving.

Anda tinggal sepuluh minit... Calon diingatkan mengikat kertas...

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