Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bike modification of the day

Raised my bicycle seat by 2.5 inches. Tilted the seat forward at a gradient. Power output increase... Incredible! The wonders of bike-fitting. Let's take on Empangan Batu tomorrow.

Oh yah, guess who pulled up in the parking lot yesterday evening. It's Sunshine! It finally arrived.

The strange thing is, I don't feel a thing. Maybe it's because the wait has been much too long, until I hati tawar already. Or maybe it's because I'm more captivated by a 2-wheeler than a 4-wheeler.

If there's anything that I feel, I think it's the feeling of paranoia. Of how long will it be before somebody tries to break into it. Hence, the car steering lock. The car body cover. Tomorrow, I'll fix the car door security plates. To prevent the door from being opened by merely sliding a metal ruler down the window.

Oh yah. Did I forget to mention that the car interior design totally rocks? It has a glove compartment. But the compartment is actually a lubang, without a lid. What kind of things can you put in a lubang without a lid?

There is this panel under the steering wheel. Dunno who's bright idea it was to put it there. Because it keeps hitting my lower leg whenever I step on the clutch! One day, my leg is gonna bengkok.

The best part is... The steering wheel blocks my view of the speedometer! I literally can't see how fast I'm going. If I get stopped by the police, my lips ain't lying when I say, "Sorry encik, saya tak tahu saya speeding! Betul punya!"

Looks like my Merida 904 isn't gonna arrive. Not if I have to foot RM363 per month for the car, for the next 7 years. I guess it's true what they say. Buying a car is nothing but a liability.

If I continue waiting for a road bike, my triathlon dream will never happen. I guess my only option is to race on a 300-dollar mountain bike. I'm all heart and lungs, man. Just heart and lungs.

Gee... I wonder how long will it take before someone says, "Hey, let's rob this chink. He's got 10 wheels!"

What am I gonna do with so many wheels...


Anonymous said...

Same things I discovered when the newer Iswara Aeroback version (dark gray/brownish body) came out.


Dangerous Variable said...


We can raise some funds for you... It is bad enough to live on credit for 7 years let alone 30 year for 2 houses of mine.

Anyways, when I am back from India and UK, I take you go Semenyih. This time, I will let you try my brother's Ellsworth man! See which bike rocks!

Hasten said...

Scott: Well, it's the cheapest car in the country anyway... So, I'm not complaining :)

Hasten said...

Dangerous variable: 2 houses?? Wah lau... Daniel's Ellsworth? It's a roadbike ah? Any chance of selling it?