Monday, February 05, 2007

Believe In Yourself

Can what you believe save you?

Belief is thought to be the underlying factor that determines the outcome of one’s endeavours. “You are what you believe!” Says a success coach. "The power of belief is the secret to greatness."

So, if you believe in something hard enough, it will become true. Right?

If so, then is it fair to say that if you believe in eternal life, you will live forever?

If we say yes, we are saying that eternal life is a result of the power of belief.
If we say no, that it is contrary to what the bible says.

Declaring oneself to be “saved” based solely on one's belief is an offensive idea to most people. If indeed there is a God, how can He commend or condemn someone, based on what a person believes, instead of what he does? Can’t human beings believe what they want to believe without getting condemned for it? It sounds really ironic if we have free will, but we cannot believe in anything we want without risking eternal damnation.

Yes, the irony is obvious. But why is there an irony? The apparent irony arises when God becomes a matter of belief.

When we relegate God into a matter of belief, everybody is none the better... Regardless of whether or not he subscribes to that belief. God is just a matter of philosophy. If we reduce God into a mere concept, we are the very cause of the people's unbelief of a true and living God.

The way we respond when we are challenged will reveal how we really see God.

If we see God as a concept, we will retreat into a non-trespass zone. “This is my belief, that is your belief, so let’s leave it as that.” There is no motivation. Fairly stated, nobody has the right to go any further than that. Because we can agree to disagree about concepts. When our gospel is rejected, we feel personally offended. Our philosophy, which reflects our own depth of character, is being ridiculed.

If we see God as a Person, we do not retreat into a non-trespass zone. “I hope you’ll get to know God. Because He already knows you.” There is motivation. Correctly stated, everyone has the right to interfere and challenge God's credibility, or defend it. Because we cannot agree to disagree about the existence of a Person. When our gospel is rejected, we do not take offense. God is being rejected, not our personal philosophy.

Coming back to our question. If you believe in eternal life, will you live forever?

Don't fool yourself. You don’t live a minute longer by sheer belief. You’re missing the point.

God is not a matter of belief. He appeared in human history. We are saved because He saved us. Not because of the power of our belief.

Believe it.


Unknown said...

maybe if i believe a little bit more, i might be a billionaire when i wake up tomorrow.

p:s hey! I'm one of your students in PFS. I asked for your email the other day, remember?

Hasten said...

Yes, Edward Lee... You're the one who gave me the wristband :)

The old uncle down the street still believes he is gonna get rich. He buys Da Ma Cai every week. Guess who's getting richer.