Saturday, March 31, 2007

Best Excuse Ever

"Mana buku?"

"Tak ada, sir..."

"Kenapa tak ada?"

"Sebab tertinggal di rumah... Rumah saya roboh..."

"Apa roboh??"

"Betui sir... MPS datang robohkan rumah saya... Saya tinggal rumah setinggan."

His friend came to his aid, "Sir, betui punya sir... You pergi jalan itu, kat *dunno what he was saying* ... You tengok rumah akhir sekali... Itu rumah dia, rumah kat tepi tu. Sekarang... Tak ada apa-apa lagi."

Have you heard this excuse before? My goodness. I never saw that coming. Not at all!

Not quite sure how to respond. You wanna teach them discipline, but on the other hand, you see them with compassion. You wanna show compassion, but on the other hand... *muffled giggle*... You gotta admit that it sounds very outlandish, rite?

Had to pull a poker face.

"Jadi, sekarang tinggal mana?"

"Tinggal rumah sewa."

I stood staring at the boy, thinking of what to say next.

"Hari itu... Balik balik main bola... Tengok rumah sudah tiada..."

Imagine coming home from playing footie in the field, only to discover that your house has been bulldozed to the ground. You're surely tired, sweaty and thirsty... Looking forward to that shower, cold water and food... How is it like to be greeted with nothing but rubble?

The boy looked strangely "amused" at his own predicament though. The way he was telling it. Maybe he doesn't know what kind of trouble he is in.

He wasn't finished yet. Just as I was walking away...

"Sir, rumah DIA PUN KENA!!"

He pointed to another girl at the next table. The girl wasn't too happy to be found out.

Now, this one almost got me. Cannot tahan... *muffled giggle*... Oops, I'm not supposed to laugh. So bad...

Welcome to Selayang. Where Selangor meets layang-layang.


Anonymous said...

so funny... if i were u, i wouldn't know how to respond :)

goodness knows how the parents are like...

Unknown said...

waa so convenient, their rumah can roboh so easily lol

who knows wat else will roboh next time...

Anonymous said...

Hi Joshua!

I dont know if I've dropped in before to say I've found u, but anyway, i've re-found you. Hello!

Congrats on the posting. Am always touched by people like yourself who have a keen interest in impacting the 'grass roots' (i quote your fellow cikgu, Jan Lyn) so dont worry about 10 years from now, each new day is a new chance to make a difference! take careeee!~