Monday, February 18, 2008

The biggest forfeit

What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. (James 2:14-17)

It is shocking for me to discover how many Christian votes will be going down the gutter.

Here is the thing. When Christians don't vote in the upcoming elections, we are forfeiting more than our right as a citizen of Malaysia. We are forfeiting our right as a child of God to pray for Malaysia for the next 5 years.

We say, "I wish you well, Malaysia. Be a better place to live in." We are liars if we say that we care, and yet we don't vote. The Bible says such faith is dead. It will be better if we said "I don't care at all." At least, we won't be lying.

We should not have "Light Up Our Nation" campaigns anymore. We should cease having all-night prayer meetings to ask God for revival in our country. Our prayers for the Malaysia will not be heard for the next 5 years. Because God knows we are lying.

Picture this. Many young adults either have not registered, or are not going to vote. That leaves the "old voters" to do the voting, while the young ones remain silent.

"Old voters" are already set in their political inclinations. They probably won't change their vote.

So if young voters stay away, and "old voters" continue to vote... Mathematically speaking, should we expect any change in the result? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

Some say "It doesn't matter whether or not I vote. The voting system is flawed. We only have a perceived democracy. But actually, it isn't".

If it is true that there are phantom voters, the only way to beat phantom voters is by sheer volume. How are you an answer to that?

If it is true that we don't have real democracy, then we have to change perceived democracy into real democracy. How are you an answer to that?

Some say, "I will vote when the government is not anti-Chinese."

If that is true, show me the logic of how your silence going to make the government less racial. How are you an answer to that?

Some say, "The government is corrupt. I will not vote."

If that is true, how much less injustice must there be before it is the right time to vote? (I feel really weird trying to reason this way, for this argument and also the previous one) Spare me the logic of how the government can get less corrupt when we don't cast our vote. How are you an answer to that?

Some even have the audacity to give a holy answer. "I don't intend to vote. But I will pray. Because I believe God's plan will be revealed."

Ok. Something is fundamentally wrong here. God is sovereign, right? There is nothing we can do to change God's will on the election results, right? God is in control of what will happen to Malaysia for the next 5 years, right? So, why vote.

Along the same line of reasoning... If God is all powerful, and He already knows all things, even of our needs before we ask Him... Then, why pray at all.

We say we believe that God is sovereign over all things. Including our lives. But we do not submit to Him in prayer.
We believe He is God, yet we don't treat Him as God. That is the irony.

James says, such faith is dead. We may as well have no faith at all. It will be no different.

Ask anyone of any religion. Anyone who believes in any god will tell you that the one thing you must do for that god is to pray to it.

But Christians know better. Christians say we don't have to pray.

Ask anyone who does not believe in any god. Especially the ones who think that they are gods. They will tell you that the future is in their hands. They can make things happen if they want them to happen. They hold their destiny in their own hands.

But Christians know better. Christians say we don't have to do anything, and yet things will happen.

If this is the popular view of Christians, I am ashamed to be identified as one of them.

Every single thing we do, or don't do, has an eternal impact on eternity. When we face Christ one day, He will ask us what we think of the country He put us in.

We will go on and on about how bad it is, if that is how we really feel. Time will not be a problem. We have all eternity.

The next question He will ask is, "What did you do about Malaysia."

No need to explain why evading taxes was better than giving money to the wrong hands. No need to justify about why it was ok to accumulate as much wealth as we could from the soil which we believe should also belong to us. No need to explain about how our righteous anger was justifiable when we countered racial injustice blow for blow. Those are the questionable things that He had not asked us to do.

The least we could have done is vote.

Even if we are not that long-sighted to think eternity-wise, let's be a little short-sighted for now. Let's just think about the next 5 years.

Remember God's continual call to remember the fatherless, to defend the widows, and to help the alien, the poor and the weak? Remember what God said about impartiality, be it to Jews or Greeks, slaves or free? Remember justice and equality?

Our inaction to vote makes us guilty of not heeding those calls. We can't pray about those things too, because God knows we are not sincere. At least for the next 5 years.

Note that I did not say "vote for who." All I'm saying is, vote. It is our responsibility. To ourselves, to our nation, to God.

By not voting, we are already doing the wrong thing by default. "To him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." (James 4:17)

May God have mercy on our nation.


Anonymous said...

I listened to an excerpt from a book on prayer.

God doesn't move until we pray. And pray the right things. He's waiting for us to pray in His will.

What responsibilities we have!

Anonymous said...

Dear Joshua,

Some guy must have really irked you man. I personally have never met any matured believer in Christ to come out with such uncooked statements about such issues.

However, just be careful not to lump the whole lot of believers together since you met someone who doesn't pray for the country or who isn't diligent in his spiritual walk. We are placed in the country for a reason. Be it to preach the gospel, to reach the lost, feed the hungry, protect the innocent or even to be a little voice of conscience to the nation.. we are all here for a purpose, to bring glory and honour unto our Lord while we are still around.

"This world is not our home, we're just passing through, my treasures laid up there, way beyond the blue".

Remember, nobody can shame the name of Christ. He is forever glorified and will one day return to rule and govern this world. Then we will see the return of justice.


Anonymous said...

Dear Joshua

I have to agree with A.L .I dont see any relevancy in what you said with reference to the bible. Its not appropriate to form an opinion by manipulating the sacred verses from the bible to make your personal interpretations or own views concerning the issues you are trying to bring up.
What is more important is that live your life by being a good citizen and at the same time work your way along God's path while waiting for the second coming of Christ. We are here only temporary.


Hasten said...

Alex: Not very accurate, I'm afraid. God already moves even before we ask Him.

Did we move God to save us, or was He the first to move?

Hasten said...

A.L.: I was just asking around randomly. Discovered 4 of them in just one breakfast sitting. Discovered many more through MSN, SMS, etc.

I was appalled at the fact that there could be many, many more.

Hasten said...

Highlander1208: So, what is the Bible for?

Anonymous said...

Dear Joshua,

I think you'll know I don't necessarily share the same views as Highlander although he seems to second me .. I don't know where? Maybe the second coming part. Oh.. for the record.. I believe in the literal 1000 year Millenial Kingdom of Christ.

I agree with you on comment by Alex. I think that there's something fishy with that book he read and it smells close to the song "Every time I pray, I move the hands of God".

Anyway, We don't dictate God's decisions but however in His sovereignty, He still allows and calls us to pray unwaveringly, for He hears our cries and petitions. He moves when He sees fit and thankfully He saw it fit to send His Son to rescue us before anyone realised they needed a Saviour!! Hallelujah!!

Oh yes.. I'm going voting buddy! Forget those spoil sports and those who couldn't be bothered. Let's pray for our nation. Whatever the outcome.. our faith remains unmoved! We'll press on!


Hasten said...

A.L.: Yah, you reiterated the 1000-year thing in your message that Sunday. Your opposition leader was sitting in front of me :)

When you starting your blog? Hehe...

Did you get my Election 101 email?

Anyone else who are not clear on the how to's regarding election... Do feel free to drop me a line. I will email "Election 101 for dummies" to you.

Clear and concise public service announcements are hard to come by...

Anonymous said...

guess wat, i registered myself as a voter today..heh..a tad to late i spose, but better than not at all la kan :)

Hasten said...

Meowlisa: Oh no! Now that you are registered, but cannot vote...

What if you become a phantom vote? :P

Anonymous said...

ish..stoopid la.

Anonymous said...

notty notty jh...

don ever involve Jesus with politic...

ppl might attack u for misusing the bible...

we dunno what is God's plan for malaysia...anyway just pray...wat-ever u like...the out-come is what God likes...


siehjin said...

strong words, joshua...

i agree with you that it is the christian's responsibility to vote... but i wouldn't be so quick to condemn la...

i think most ppl are just blur... i missed the last elections because of that. sometimes ppl think there's plenty of time before election day, and put off registering til it's too late... give some grace la...

and u know la, christians... often have the perception that politics is 'dirty', and the less involvement in it the better... the fallacy of dualism is stil very much alive in the church today... so it's sad, but not surprising that so many young christians aren't voting. no one taught them any better...

i'm voting in pj utara... from what i hear, it's a hot seat.=)

Hasten said...

Sieh Jin: An observation...

The majority of people who attend political rallies, or are involved in political campaigns, are non-Christians. The Christian presence is generally quite low.

Dunno if it's because we Christians already know better, so we don't have to attend political rallies to find out for ourselves.

Or is it because we think other people will make better decisions when it comes to politics. So we let other people decide for us.

Or is it because politics itself is dirty, so Christians should not meddle with it.

Or is it because Christians generally don't care, and we want to sound wise and feel justified while not caring about it.

siehjin said...

i guess it's probably a mixture of the last three... and i suppose we need fiery words like yours to (hopefully) wake up the sleeping church. just look at some of the comments here... "never mix Jesus with politics..."

for myself, i haven't attended any political rallies either... no time and energy for it (which is another way of saying that it isn't that high a priority for me). i got my 'political education' from reading blogs and news on the internet...

but i think things may be changing... for example, i got an email which mentioned that goh keat peng was a founding member of keADILan... and i know that the iBridge/GCF group have been doing some heavy political discussions thru email (i'm on the mailing list). so i guess the church is waking up, slowly... on the methodist front, our bishop hwa yung says that "the least we could do was to register and vote. More Christians should be involved in politics, making a stand for justice, the poor and marginalized." (taken from

so maybe there is hope for the church in malaysia after all... =)

Hasten said...

My church's Young Adult's Advisor's brother is running for the Damansara Utama seat!

Yeah! Go go go!

Anonymous said...

Hasten said...
Highlander1208: So, what is the Bible for

Being a christian it is our responsibility to vote and obey the rulers wholeheartedly. And i shall do whatever it is being dictated by the ruler of the land and at the same time not to forget the Ruler of Heaven.

There is nothing wrong in refering the bible but the way you blog your way through regarding being a true Citizen with inappropriately use of bible verses. It shows that you have not done your homework well and your shallow understanding of the bible. In the end you are not glorifying God but
belittling the power of Bible.

Hasten said...

Anonymous: How would someone who have done his homework well and have a deep understanding of the Bible use Bible verses appropriately about the subject matter at hand?

Anonymous said...

im supportive of mr. anonymous view..

its our responsiblity to vote... feeling is...the bible verse is being used inappropriately...


mr. siehjin...if ur church preach politic on sunday..i have nothing to say...
