Saturday, February 23, 2008

I will follow you... follow you...

When you've got a big windfall, and you know you can't keep it with you forever, what do you do with it?

You send it on ahead to a place where you can keep it.

Where is that place?

That place is not here. You store it in heaven.

How do you store it in heaven?

By giving it away on earth.

Doesn't that sound silly or radical? Or isn't that just plain stupid?

But that is exactly what Jesus taught.

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal" (Matthew 7:19)

Even if we stop hoarding treasures on earth and start stockpiling treasures in heaven, aren't we still stuck with the mentality of accumulating things? The problem of obsession with treasure isn't really dealt with. We did not vanquish the obsession itself. We merely transferred its destination. Isn't it selfish to be thinking about treasures in heaven all the time?

Nope. Jesus Himself said, "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal." (Matthew 6:20)

Note that He said, "Lay up for yourselves." Not "Lay up for someone else," or even "Lay up for God". Selfishness is gain at the expense of someone else. Laying up treasures in heaven comes at nobody's expense. In fact, it comes at everybody else's gain.

Won't this attitude make me bitter towards God?
How can I find pleasure in Him and His kingdom, if I have to give my treasures away, instead of keep them?

Nope. Jesus goes on to say, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21). In whichever place you put your money, your heart will follow it. Your interest will go there, and you will find pleasure there too. The pleasure is not lost. Why do you think you check the stock market everyday if your money is in stocks?

Test Him on this. Put your money in Saudi Arabia.

See if you will still remain disinterested about Saudi Arabia. You will scramble for every piece of news to update yourself about Saudi Arabia. The next time a Christian is martyred in Saudi Arabia, or the next time a Christian meeting place is burnt there, see if your heart won't get wrenched over it.

If your money is in Saudi Arabia, you will want to know how your investment is doing in Saudi Arabia. You will want to know if your money is reaching the target group effectively in Saudi Arabia. You will want to know if you have been wise in giving to Saudi Arabia. You will want to know everything about the advancement of your Ringgit in helping God's people in Saudi Arabia.

You will find yourself praying for Saudi Arabia. You will find yourself worrying about Saudi Arabia. You will find yourself worked up about Saudi Arabia. You will smile or you will cry over Saudi Arabia. Your mind will be constantly preoccupied with Saudi Arabia.

You won't feel much about Saudi Arabia if you have not given much to Saudi Arabia. If you put a chunk of your treasure there... There your heart will be also.

I believe that the Lord is leading me to give to Barnabas Aid on a frequent basis. Being placed in an area that is predominantly Muslim, I believe God has been trying to tell me something.

He is showing me things that I would not have seen if I was placed elsewhere. My exposure to a predominantly Muslim society have increased my understanding of Islam. And along with it, my sensitivity towards the plight of suffering Christians.

1 in every 10 Christians live with persecution. No, it's not the "My mum won't let me go to church" type of persecution. It's the kind of persecution that violates basic human rights. It is a matter of life or death.

If you are reading this, you are the other nine.

Do you want to start stockpiling in the right place?

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