Sunday, June 01, 2008

You know what two old rockers said?

I'm thinking of jumping ship.

Cannot la, like that. If every day I live a repetitive life. One year and four months on the job. And I'm already getting cranky and grumpy. I don't think I can last another 32 years.

Maybe it's because I've already started teaching before I officially graduated as one. Maybe I already got all the "kicks" when I was still an unofficial rookie, temping as a substitute. Maybe that's why I don't feel "new" on the job. I feel like I'm already institutionalized into the job before I even "started".

Or, maybe it's because of the environment. If doing whatever you're good at makes no difference whether or not you're doing it (I know it sounds like an oxymoron), you will feel very unmotivated. Maybe it could've been different if I was put in a different place.

Or, maybe it's the lack of tangible goals. Which is worse... Having a goal and failing to make it, or not being able to have a goal at all? I'm experiencing the latter.

If there's no "kick" in my main job, maybe it could be better if I had some kind of "side kick".

I was talking to the girlfriend of a friend during a wedding dinner. An interesting prospect came up. I'm keeping that little hope alive. Maybe, it just might work.

Tip for you guys. When you go to weddings, go talk to your friends' girlfriends. You may not know what you'll find.

And no, I'm not talking about an affair. Tsk tsk...

U2 Lyrics
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For Lyrics

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