Sunday, July 29, 2007

Good things come to those that wait

Things I must buy when I get my new bike:

  • Super soft, super ergonomic seat. Fertility is a factor.

Things I must do before I get my new bike:

  • Build myself up to be physically worthy of it. You don't wanna get on a pro bike but ride like an amateur.

Things I must do after I get my new bike:

  • Sign up for a duathlon. Or sprint triathlon. Having one white elephant at the parking lot is enough.

Things I must do so I can get my new bike:

  • Get a credit card. In 3 weeks' time, I'll have a CIMB Gold card.

Things I must do before I train or race with my new bike:

  • Get a personal insurance policy. I'm now protected by this guy for RM200 a month:

So how does all this tie in with my reading diet for today?

When God made a companion for Adam, He did not bring her to him immediately. If He did that, Adam would not appreciate it. Instead, God brought every beast of the field and every bird of the air to Adam. He gave him the task of naming them all.

After Adam had done that, and still could not find a helper comparable to him...

Then God brought Eve. (Genesis 2:18-24)

You know, it is said that to be a good cyclist, a rider has to "be one" with the bike. Hmmm...

1 comment:

queen shelby said...

"If He did that, Adam would not appreciate it."

it !?!

eve's an it ?!

terrible la you