Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Congratulations! You won a lucky draw

Telemarketers have a new tactic nowadays.

They call your house. They make you believe you won a lucky draw. And you must go to their office to get a freebie. A complementary 3 days, 2 nights stay at a hotel. A 1-month free membership in a gym. That sort of thing.

They will sit you down, give you a 40-minute marketing talk, then they hand you the freebie.

Smart. They make you think you've won something. So you don't want to waste it. But in actual fact, they're dragging you to hear their marketing pitch. At the comfort of their own office. They won't mind giving away a free 3 days, 2 nights stay because their hotel is not doing well anyway. It's better to give a free room away along with a marketing pitch, than to leave the free room empty.

One day, what if you pull off a Tom Mabe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also watch out for the 'lucky draw' guys who offer you a very-good-chance to win a car, if you just buy a mystery appliance for RM300... Which will turn out to be a massager, but don't worry! It comes with a free pass to the next stage of lucky draw where you surely can win that new car for RM300...