Sunday, January 06, 2008

Something snails can't do

Imagine... If I can shift house. To Kepong... That will mean...

  1. No more traveling 20 minutes to church. It could be a 5-minute dash with my bicycle.
  2. No more traveling 40 minutes to Taman Paramount. Less chances of falling asleep on the wheel.
  3. No more driving for 2 hours in a day. Jimat petrol, no need to service kereta so fast.
  4. No more little kids riding bicycles around the corridor. And screaming as they fly by.
  5. No more lugging my bicycle up 10 flights of stairs every day.
  6. No more difficult access to pork.
  7. No more worrying that someone will break into my mailbox and curi my Creation magazine.
  8. No more crazy suggestion to do Ah Long duty and collect maintenance fees from the tenants on the same floor.

That will also mean...

  1. Can host Young Adults meetings at my house.
  2. Can go to church for multiple meetings easily.
  3. Can have valid reason to transfer out of SMK Selayang Bharu.
  4. Can have a chance to teach in a school in Kepong.
  5. Can teach in an area where more people are interested in academic pursuit.
  6. Can live in an area where you don't look and sound like an alien from China.
  7. Can check my letterbox and be confident that my mail will be there.
  8. Can live in an area where a lots of old people can be seen walking around in the morning, going to market, etc.
  9. Can find food apart from nasi kandar, nasi paprik, tomyam campur, burger...
  10. Can live in a house at a flat's rental rate.
  11. Can park my car in my house.
  12. Can park my bicycle in my house.
  13. Can have air-cond in my house.
  14. Can have washing machine in my house.
  15. Can keep more things neatly in the kitchen cabinets in my house.

Oooops, my house? I mean... Meng Wah's house. Hehehehe...

Please let it happen... Pleeeeease... Pleeeease... I'll pray until my eyeballs go inside the eye socket... Cross my fingers until they become crooked...

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