Friday, January 04, 2008

When Mathematicians have nothing to do...

Jumlah hari persekolahan termasuk cuti am = 207.
Jumlah hari cuti penggal = 84.

Which job lets you work slightly more than half a year, every year?

Which job lets you work half a day, every day?

Which job gives you almost 3 months' worth of holidays?

On top of all that, which job also gives you medical leaves and Cuti Rehat Khas?

1 week has an average of 970 teaching minutes.
1 day has an average of 194 teaching minutes.
That's 3.23 hours of teaching per day.
That's 64.67 teaching hours per month.

If you count the pay based on teaching hours...

That's RM38.69 per hour. Fresh graduate rate.

Aku guru Malaysia!


Anonymous said...

I post this on behalf of Anne:

Which job 'volunteers' you to join Koperasi, Ko-K, invigilation, PIBG, rumah sukan, hari guru/pelajar-cemerlang/Raya/Tahun Baru Cina decorations, and other meetings that make you come back to school a week before it starts and at Christmas time for preparations?

Which job sends you off on 'holiday' to the Middle Hotel in Nowhere district to listen to how Bush planned 9-11 to destroy all the Enron documents stored in the WTC?

Which job follows you home in the shape of 3 subjects x 30 students x 5 classes of homework ( especially half-formed English essays), test papers and various student performace forms, every week? Resulting in more bureucratic updating than actual taeching and teacher-student guiding.

Hasten said...

Ok... While we're comparing guns...

Which job tells you to change your speaking engagement in church as a top-down direct order, so you can take students to Langkawi on the same week?

Which job makes you spend 2 days and 1 night in school on Merdeka Day, for Kempen Ekspresi Kemerdekaan, every year?

Which job sends you for PMR invigilation, and SPM as well on the same year?

Which job recommends you to become Ketua Pengawas for SPM as a freshie?

Which job recommends you to mark SPM papers during the holidays?

Which job makes you feel unsafe whenever you park your vehicle, be it a 2-wheeler or a 4-wheeler?

Which job sends you to a PIBG-sponsored meeting about parenting, which guzzled tens of thousands of PIBG donors' money, and hear about how Islamization and unconventional prayer methods can curb discipline problems in schools?

Which job lets you sit in on official meetings and hear side remarks of how the school is like Palestine, and how the neighboring school is like Israel, taking away our land?

Which job gives you more things to do because you are lelaki, Cina and bujang?

Which job has an older member in the PIBG who orders you to do a futsal competition, and you have to do it because you hold a junior post in the PIBG, and he himself sits and does nothing, and you have the ugly job of breaking the news to your senior colleagues that they have a futsal competition to do, and you have to hear the senior teachers telling you they are not in favour of PIBG's endeavours, because the PIBG just talks, and the teachers must do?

Which job makes you sit in a special assembly on the 2nd day of school, and hear the ustad recite prayers from a book for almost an hour?

Which job makes you work for only half a day, and forbids you from doing anything that makes money for the rest of the day?

But actually ah...

Which job allows you to be underperforming and still be overpaid anyway :P

Anonymous said...

Which job allows you to be underperforming and still be overpaid anyway? Kita nak masuk perbincangan politik kengearaan ke ni...

Kakaka! Palestine and Israel metaphors? Really want to hear about that...

On the flip side:

Which job virtually guarantees you fat paycheque for life after retirement?

Which job gives you full medical coverage at an age when everything is starting to break down?

Which job let's you take weeks and months of paid and unpaid leave for pregnancy, multiple times in yoru life, and still guarantee that you keep your job when you return to work?

Which job lets you indoctrinate countless impressionable young minds with your own political leanings, as long as you don't put anything down in black and white like design a maths question to look like PAS logo?

But private schools have their own adventures too... Such as the principal suddenly treating you to lunch, you just know that a bothersome 'special opportunity' is coming your way...

Hasten said...

Oh, I no longer have to teach Pendidikan Moral! Yippeee!

With one class out of the way, my new rate is at RM43.37 per hour :)

Anonymous said...

You just cant say ok you win can you Toshua. There is no end la guys. Anyone care to talk about life in the corporate world? - KC

Hasten said...

*Yawn* Dowan... I orang gomen. Hamba kerajaan. Hamba. Hambaaa. Baaaa. Baa baa black sheep *chew grass*