Sunday, January 27, 2008

Somewhere, over the rainbow...

... A Muslim cleric queried me in an old blog post, Do Christian Evolutionists Exist. Old enough to feel like it was a blast from the past!

He said he finds it ironic that Christians believe in a transcendent God, who is a higher determinant, who cannot be part of what is being determined. Because Christians say that Jesus is God, when
he is provenly the "being determined" for he walked on Earth, was a historical figure, was a part of creation, therefore a non-transcendent.

I am reminded once again of my initial purpose of starting this blog. Which is to minister to all who read it. Hence, the name Hasten Ministries.

I am encouraged by the fact that my writings can reach just about anybody, anywhere in the world. I realize that there are many silent readers, whom I could have affected with strokes on a keyboard, without knowing it.

I am inspired again to see my blogging as a ministry.

A lot of my blogging energy has been channeled to my church's Young Adults blog. You can read about what was preached over the pulpit every Sunday.

Reflections, thoughts, opinions, and spin-off discussions are hoped to spring off from there. Sunday sermons should be more than a one-off weekend thing. It should be a message that is discussed, meditated upon, and practised throughout the week. It is with this hope that the Kepong Gospel Chapel blog has taken this new direction.

Feel free to check it out at


siehjin said...

i checked out the young adults' blog. got some good stuff there.

have you formulated a reply to the muslim guy? going to share it here?

Anonymous said...

I think that we as Christians should also be open to the possibility that God used evolution as a means in the creation of life. The sun wasn't created till the 4th day, so it highly unlikely that the 'days' in Genesis are literal 24 hours solar days. They could very well be heavenly days or refer to ages. Your claim that Christians who believe in evolution are essentially atheists is harsh. Casting lots appears to be purely a probabilistic event, but nothing happens by chance for God is in control (Proverbs 16:33). Similarly, it's easy to mistake evolution as driven by randomness and chance, as Darwin proposes. However, Christians can recognize that there is a divine force behind it. If you're interested, you can look up Asa Gray (friend of Darwin) and Francis Collins (director of the Human Genome Project).

Hasten said...

Sieh Jin & Scott: May request for permission to post my discussion with Al-haj ibn Sarawaky here.